250K Small Scale

Fox Creek

250K Small Scale is a vector representation of the major topographic features of Alberta, commonly used for wall maps as they cover a large area. The four themes include:

Alberta Township System Linework - section level for surveyed territory and township level for unsurveyed territory (1st Generation ATS Coordinate File)

Hydrography - major hydrographic features including lakes and rivers

Transportation - primary and secondary highways, roads, and railways

Geo-Administrative Boundaries - Electoral, Judicial, City, First Nation, Forest Reserve, International, Provincial, Provincial Park, National Park, Metis Settlement, Military Range, Wilderness Area. Text and symbol features for Port of Entry, Post Office, Railway, Station, Town, Village, Hamlet, and Summer Village


  • Data Provider

    Altalis Ltd.

  • Contributors

    Alberta Environment and Parks, Government of Alberta

  • Coverage

    Full coverage of Fox Creek AOI

  • Currency

  • Product Type


  • Format


  • Projection


  • Accuracy

    +/- 100m

  • Other Specifications

    NAD83, reference meridian of 117 degrees (Zone 11). User must reference the mapping file and the text (label) files

  • Publisher

    Alberta Data Partnerships

  • Data License

    Open Data Areas Data License


Product Image
